Yes there is a lesson here. I just spent the better part of an hour writing this post and tweaking it, and then I must have clicked something I shouldn't have and everything but the pictures disappeared. Humm...
I recently read those words about perfection in a post called "5 Lessons in Creativity on the Return of Ze Frank" on Copyblogger. It was by Robert Bruce. It went on to say, about perfection, "We all want it. None of us will ever get it..." (Well, I hope your surgeon, or your airplane pilot can get close...) But I have been thinking about how my photo program is set to open up with my "last 3 months' photos". For some reason I've been fascinated to see what I was doing three months before now... which seems a whole world away as I cram to pack for my final week of teaching in eastern Oregon. I was also thinking of how life can be unsatisfying if we never take time to process... And so I am about to embark on a very IMPERFECT attempt to think a little more about my recent past. I will choose 2 or 3 or 4 photos from 3 months ago, from that day or week... and just ponder them again as I travel forward. If the present intrudes, I'll just mingle (mangle?) it in. I wonder, can I keep this up for one month? Will it make a difference to me? Vamos a ver... Three months ago I had just finished beading a collar for our tomatlense perra (dog from Tomatlán) and was about to leave for Mexico... Two days later I was having supper in Puerto Vallarta with my friend Rocio and her daughter Graciela. That mushroom dish was fabulous. So was being barefoot again, for the first time in months.
Weather a little changeable over here. When I arrived in Joseph Oregon for my residency this past week it looked like the first picture....
The second morning, there was a bit of snow. Once I found my car, and got it scraped off, I saw these poor cows on my drive to Joseph Charter school. Nothing fazed the kids at school though. No trouble getting them interested in the beads. More pictures of the little darlings in a coming post! And fortunately for my drive back, the snow has quit. I just passed those same cows out there.... They are a little happier about this too.
[Español debajo] At this moment, while I am working on this post, if you happen to be attending the early mass at Santo Santiago Apostal in Tomatlán, you will hear the "Santa Maria Goretti" choir. There are up to 30 boys and girls in the chorus, which has been in existence for 14 years. The young people are members of I.A.M. (Infancia y Adolescencia Misionera) and the adult leaders are Anna Celina, asesora (music advisor), Rodrigo, colaborador de musica (guitarist), Magda, administradora and la directora, Clementina.
Next year I hope to make a video clip so you can hear the voices, guitar, percussion instruments, and especially those small bells, played by one of the advanced students. Those bells are one of my favorite 'exotic' sounds of Tomatlán. And mentioning it in my column in the local paper is what got me invited to climb up the circular stone steps inside the bell-tower to the choir loft, and to take these pictures... because my column (in Spanish - my great challenge to myself!) was read by Clementina Aguilar Hernández, the wife of Dr. Roberto Gómez López (Pinta's first vet). I had not known she was also the choir director. Ah! The power of the written word. Finally, the view out the window of the choir loft. I love those odd (for me) trees!
In este momento (cuando estoy trabajando en este ‘post’) si tu estes asistiendo la misa temprana al Santo Santiago Apostal en Tomatlán, oirás el coro que se llama Santa Maria Goretti. Hay casi treinta niños y niñas pertenecido al grupo de la I.A.M. . (Infancia y Adolescencia Misionera) de catorce años de existir.
El personal adulto: Anna Celina, asesora de cantos, Rodrigo, colaborador de musica, Magda, administradora y Clementina, directora y coordinadora general del coro y el grupo de la I.A.M. de la Parroquia Santo Santiago Apostal de Tomatlán.
Clementina Aguilar Hernández es también la esposa de M.V.Z. Roberto Gómez López, el primer veterinario de mi perra ‘Pinta’… Y eso es como yo recibí una invitación a ir del ático del coro y tomar fotos.
El año que viene, tal vez hagamos un video clip. Así compartiría los sonidos de las voces, la guitarra y instrumentos de percusión y especialmente las campanitas...
En la vista de la ventana del ático, me gustan mucho los arboles altos allí. Me pregunto, ¿Qué son? ¿Sabes tú?
[English below] Entonces... necesitaba regresar. Y había una tormenta de nieva. El avión necesitaba continuar al aeropuerto en Lewiston (cuarenta y cinco millos de distancia.) Pero tenía suerte. Una amiga en el mismo vuelo me dio aventón a Moscow. ¡Gracias a Ann Cosgrove!
Ahh…fue el primer día de primavera también…
En la foto con Pinta en mi porche, estoy apretando mis dientes poquito. Estoy tratando no pensar de cual tiempo yo prefiero. En la otra, de justa una semana pasada, estaba en el pueblo de San Sebastian con mi amiga española Carmen Aldama (maestra de español a la universidad de Idaho) y Maria Rebeca Pelayo, la dueña de la posada Marea, adonde estuve muy contenta por nueva semanas.
Es bueno estar en casa. Pero a mis amigos mexicanos, !Te extraño, todos!
Well, yes I had to come back. And a snow storm kept our plane from landing at the Pullman airport, so we flew on down to Lewiston (a 45 minute drive away.) From where I had the extreme good fortune to catch a ride back up with my friend Ann Cosgrove, who always drives down and parks her rig there because this happens so often in WINTER... (even though it was the first day of spring.) Thanks Ann!
Yes, in the photo with Pinta on the front porch, I am gritting my teeth just a little. The other photo, from just a week ago in San Sebastian with my Spanish teacher Carmen Aldama, who came to visit for her UI spring break, and Maria Rebeca Pelayo, my landlady... Well, I'm trying hard now not to think about which weather I prefer! It's good to be home, but to all my Mexican friends, I miss you!
I always like to go down main street and visit M.V.Z. Roberto Gómez López, who was Pinta's first vet. He gave her her first shots and checked her out before her first (and only) plane ride.
Here is Roberto with his wife, Clemintina Aguilar Hernández, who is also a vet. I asked about their daughter... who is finishing veterinary school. Yes she will soon join the family practice...
which handles all manner of animals. As well as a very busy store. Check out the pictures on the desktop. Look closely. The middle picture is no fake.
This cow is one of the more famous patients of Farmacia Veterinaria el Ganadero.
And here is baby Pintita (in 2009) with my friend Luli... whose dog 'Osita' was Pinta's mommy.
Here is another article I wrote for the local periodico, Opiniones de la Costa.They saw fit to publish it. yeah!
Tres cosas que yo cambiaría esta semana si pudiera
Por Jeanne Leffingwell
A menudo yo hago una lista al comenzar una nueva semana. Una lista para que me ayude a recordar lo que necesito o deseo hacer. ¿Usted también?La mayoría de mi lista es prosaica. Pero hay dos o tres cosas importantes y al finalizar misemana me siento muy satisfecha con lo que realice en ella.
Aquí son tres cosas mágicas y importantes lo que espero que hiciera esta semana:
1. Con el dinero que mi gobierno gasta en mantener nuestra seguridad en la frontera con México, quisiera que se gastara en intercambios culturales.
La mitad del dinero que lo pagaran los mexicanos de todas las edades y niveles de ingreso para realizar intercambios con familias norte americanas y que experimenten lo que es una vida normal allá.
Con la otra mitad vendrían a México familias norte americanas ha convivir con las culturas familiares de México. (En realidad a ellos les costaría menos dinero por el valor de la moneda, entonces mas de ellos vinieran.) Van a descubrir que no todo México es una zona de guerra. Y los mexicanos también descubrirían que la vida en el norte para la mayoría no es como lo plasma Disney y Hollywood. Y el más importante,creciésemos amistades verdaderas en lugar de paredes gigantes.
2. La segunda cosa que haría esta semana si podría es recoger todos las maquinas de gasolina y electricidad, los ‘leaf blowers’ y aspiradoras que mis paisanos usan para barrar las banquetas y comenzar a desaparecer.
¡Poof! Los substituirá por escobas, como las que mexicanos usan. Son mejor para mis compatriotas por varios razones:
Me seguro que con poquito entrenamiento, nuestros nuevos barredores aprendían a barrar las hojas y la basura haciendo una pila, y entonces la recogerían. No solo desembolsarlas entre la calle o el jardín del vecino. Eso ahorraría los recursos, incluyendo gasolina. No mucho, pero suficiente por hacer una diferencia.
Hay pocas cosas mas molestas cuando estás tratando de pensar,leer o platicar con otra persona y hay una motor corriendo acerca. Por otra parte, la persona barriendo crea un sonido muy tranquila y pacífica, que transmite un buen efecto a todos los que están acerca.
La cosa mas importante es que las barredores hacen ejercicio.
De acuerdo de mis impresiones, los barredores mexicanos en Tomatlán, Puerto Vallarta y en todos partes son mexicanos delgados. Los resultados de mi encuesta informal, mirando la gente usando maquinas por esta tarea… Usualmente están gordos.(I’m not kidding.) Es verdad.
3. La tercer cosa que cambiaría si yo pudiera sería quitar todas las botellas de Karo®, jarabe de maíz de las estanterías de las secciones infantiles de las farmacias,supermercados y ‘Sam’s Clubs’ de México. Jarabe de maíz es un ingrediente que nunca deben comer – especialmente bebes. Ese ingrediente solo da la comida un sabor dulce, y no tiene valor nutritivo. Cero. En realidad jarabede maíz no es comida saludable y solo produce un bebé gordo, y a el se hace adicto a sabores dulces antes de que el pueda elegir.
En los estados de Idaho, Washington, y Oregon no es legal envasar ese producto para bebes o ponerlo en los secciones infantil. Debe estar con otros azucares. Aquí, talvez es legal proclamar “de fácil digestión” pero las solas cosas mas saludables son las bolsitas del accionistas de Kraft, Néstle, y otras corporaciones multinacionales.
Desgraciadamente, mi gobierno ha pagando gran subvenciones a los gigante granjeros que crecen ese producto por demasiados anos. Pero es otro cuento…
El resulto es que este ingrediente es entre la mayoría de comidas procesadas (comienza a buscar) y nadie lo necesita.
OK. Allí son mis tres cosas cambiaría si yo pudiera. Pero si las companías haciendolas maquinas tantas por barrar no pueden venderlas en los estados unidos en el futuro, espero que no comiencen verterlas sobre ustedes. Ten confianza en mí. No las necesitan.
Hay una lugar se llama Mismaloya que está en la ruta entre Puerto Vallarta y Tomatlán. Si tu sales del autobús allí, puedes ir por pie cerca tres kilometres al “Eden Ecopark.” Es famoso porque fue el “Predator” movie set.
Recientemente yo fui allí con un grupo de aventureros de un hostel en Vallarta. ¡El agua estaba muy fresca! Y el puente fue muy tembloroso. ¡Qué día!
This place is on the way to Tomatlán. Definitely worth a stop, if you’re up for a little hike. Don’t bring any gear but your suit and towel though, and a picnic and camera of course.
PS There is another wonderful little watering hole (and a shorter hike) accessible from the fine Botanical Gardens on this route too. You have to pay to get in, but there is a really nice restaurant there, along with lots of swell plantings.
The answer to the riddle of my last post can be seen in this picture: I have been drinking tons of iced tea... which I function a little better on than cervezas all day.
A favorite easy lunch or supper: Cut open an avocado. Take the half w/o the pit and sort of "chop/smush" the meat with a spoon or fork inside it's skin "bowl". Squirt in half a lime and sprinkle on some 'Tajin' seasoning. Spoon it out and eat it, or plop some on one of these great tostadas and add some of the Herndez salsa (if too lazy to make fresh.) Serve with iced tea and chunk of 'quesadilla' cheese alongside... You're set. If really hungry, repeat with other half. (Take out the pit!)
*By the way, DIF (previous post) means"Desarollo Integral de la Familia"
Can anyone guess what this is? I will show you in my next post.
But right now I am timing myself to see if I've finally found a system to post a blog without it taking me all afternoon.
I went for a walk just a bit ago, with Alicia 'Licha' the maid at my posada. I accompanied her to the DIF* office to pick up a package of really healthy food that she gets once a month. I went along because I was hoping to make an appointment for a massage. Licha has had massages there, because of old injuries from a roll-over car accident. (It's my impression there are lots of those here. In fact I wondered if I was about to take part in another last week when the bus driver to Vallarta was eating his lunch while driving the windy road!) As I had suspected, one needs a doctor's orders to get a massage through DIF. But at least I helped Licha carry her heavy bag back here, in the midday heat(!) AND we said hello on the way back to some of her newer family members. They have the carnecería around the corner. Here is mom Magdalena with 8-month gemelas Regina y Renata, and Alejandra, que tiene 9 años de edad.
And I am about to post this in LESS than a half hour - from my camera... to my computer... to the great ether net - and you. Yeah!!!!
Someone told me what DIF stands for, but I forgot. Maybe tell you that in the next blog too. 6-year old Airy has informed me. And he's getting nervy! I took a look inside my room (from working on the porch this morning) and this is what I saw.
Cesar Millan would say this is Bad. So would I. But I wanted to get a picture first...
Now Charly gets me up and out each morning for his 'constitutional' and I wish I had a training collar. But I won't let him pee on arboles. Only posts, rocks and dead things. Geeze, I had no idea what a pain boy dogs can be! But the walks are a good thing (we usually do a peregrinación in the evening too) because the yoga and swimming are taking a back seat lately. Oh well, the legs are doing lots of miles. (Wish I hadn't lost my 2nd pedometer#@!?!)
Recientemente yo fui a una fiesta charro en Llano Grande con mis amigos, periodista y artiste Dionisio Garcia y su prima Guadalupe. It takes 3-4 hours just to get there from Tomatlán. And there are many little rivers like this to cross! Even though the road was very rough, there were tons of people already there for the 4 day event. (But I think I might have been the only full blooded gringa.)
We all got dressed up for the evening festivities ('Nicho' is a professional make-up artist too) and went out the first night to party... It went on way way into the night (I'm so glad I can usually sleep well!)
There were competing bands in the plaza principal.... and even fireworks. The safety measures were not the same as in the states.
The little red bull here was actually made of fireworks and the guy carrying it chases everyone around - when it's lit!
As you can see, I am not always alone in my room now. Doña Rebeca left on a trip out of town this week, and Charli has taken advantage of her absence to go check out the other mujeres here in the posada. So far I'm leading his pack.