Recientemente yo fui a una fiesta charro en Llano Grande con mis amigos, periodista y artiste Dionisio Garcia y su prima Guadalupe. It takes 3-4 hours just to get there from Tomatlán. And there are many little rivers like this to cross! Even though the road was very rough, there were tons of people already there for the 4 day event. (But I think I might have been the only full blooded gringa.)
We all got dressed up for the evening festivities ('Nicho' is a professional make-up artist too) and went out the first night to party... It went on way way into the night (I'm so glad I can usually sleep well!)
There were competing bands in the plaza principal.... and even fireworks. The safety measures were not the same as in the states.
The little red bull here was actually made of fireworks and the guy carrying it chases everyone around - when it's lit!