February 15, 2012

Vistas favoritas de Tomatlán

Aquí son dos de mis vistas favoritas en Tomatlan #1 Hay una escalera cerca de la escuela primaria ‘Tenochtitlan’. Me gusta mucho la vista de la cumbre.

#2 La escalera, de bajo. #3 & 4 La plaza de la iglesia Santo Santiago, cual es un de la más anciena en Jalisco, y pienso en el país. Yo paseo dentro la plaza cada día.

[I don’t have my dictionary with me so there may be problems with that paragraph.)

Here are 2 of my favorite views around Tomatlán: the stairs near the Tenoctitlan primary school (where I first did the bead residency accompanied by a translator and 5 students from Moscow High School.) Views from the top and bottom.

When I first came, the stairs were just being built and there were no plantings.

The other photos show the plaza of the Santo Santiago church, one of the oldest Christian churches standing in Jalisco, if not the country (I’m checking on this...) I pass through it at least once a day.