July 22, 2009

OK! I am back at the computer and just renewed acquaintances with all the files in that black box in front. I'm actually better organized than I remembered... from when I left off awhile ago on this Million Bead Project book... It's my personal memory thing - ADHD? - when I'm working on one project I forget all about anything else I might have done.
Anyway, the real push has begun. I have my outline (table of contents) and that blue notebook is full of specifics for each chapter. I will go through the pictures next (I took way way more than necessary, but I didn't know that at the time!) and then I'll put the general story line together... After that it's a matter of sitting down at that computer and... 
Heck! I'm just going to estimate... 200 hours from now I'll have a first draft!
I need another thing to keep track of - Yes!! 
No, this is going to be fun! 