In my final year at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, one of the things I made for my senior show was a bentwood 3-panel frame. I batiked these three pieces of rayon and made everything into a room divider / screen. The fabric has held up well, but the frame had become something to stumble over in my mom's down-sized apartment.
When I visited her in Anchorage recently, she consented to let me re-purpose that "gift". So I took it apart and am in the process of making three separate shawls.
In the first picture, we're in the Far North Yarn Co (way cool store!) where the the owner-daughter team helped us pick out the perfect fringe yarn. (If you click it larger, look at my mom's split loom necklace. She first wove those glass beads into a belt when she was a Campfire girl. A few decades later I reworked it into the necklace.)
In the second picture, at my friend Linda Rasmussen's recent Art Walk opening at the One World Cafe in Moscow, I'm wearing the first shawl (with the warmest colors.)
Today I was just working on the fringe for the second shawl (cooler colors) which I'll give my mom. I'm planning to finish the 3rd one for my daughter, who is right now the age I was when I batiked the original fabric. (She doesn't know about this yet.) I hope she doesn't think it's hopelessly out of vogue. If she does I'll just wait a year or two. (She's acquiring excellent taste.)